Christie has always been known for that long, blonde flowing hair.

She tends to put it up in these really funny buns. 

But what you don't know about her, is that she will do anything for Cancer Research and Cancer Fundraising. Even cuttinting that long flowing hair. She did it at 5, she did it at 10, and she did it YESTERDAY! Check her out now! WAY TO GO CHRISTIE! I LOVE YOU AND YOU LOOK AWESOME!!!!

Oh, I Love it...with a capital L!!!! Her new haircut is so cute, and she got it for such a great cause! Way to go Christie!
I am growing mine out to donate too. I think I need it to be a few inches longer though!
I just noticed Christie's pink streak...very fun!
They were giving out the pink extensions at the Breast Cancer fundraiser yesterday for every $10 donation. What a great cause! Loreal is now doing hair donatins with only 8 inches instead of 10.
LOVE your Halloween background. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!
What an awesome girl you have there! Love the new look BTW.
WOW! She looks so grown up! Definitely a great look!
Love it! Love it! How awesome! Way to go Christie!
Oh, and the Halloween background--so you! :) I do have to say that we have yet to have a neighbor who has outdone your Halloween yard displays!! :):)
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