

Every time we turn on TV or radio or open your emails or facebooks - all you see lately is Bullying! Know why? IT'S EVERYWHERE!!!! Not a day goes by in our lives lately that we aren't personally living this evil. No matter who you talk to or who you stand by, you hear it affecting so many people and families.

For anyone that knows our family - you know that this past May, our beautiful Christie was a victim of a severe brutality. Not a day goes by she isn't reliving it. Our schools aren't doing anything to help. They are standing behind their "govermental immunities" but I want to say BS!!!! It is OUR tax dollars that pay your salaries - It is OUR tax dollars that pay for lights and water to run in that school - IT SHOULD BE OUR TAX DOLLARS that decide where our kids go and who to fire if the job isn't being done properly!!!

I just don't understand any of this. She continues to deal with it daily because other kids are SO RUDE and have no care in the world for others. IT STARTS AT HOME!!!!!!!!!

Raise your kids to say - PLEASE AND THANK YOU! Raise your kids to say - NO, YOU FIRST. And most of all, raise your kids - TO STAND UP FOR THOSE THAT CAN'T STAND UP FOR THEMSELVES!!! IT STARTS AT HOME!