So the kids are all off to school now. Courtney is handling kindergarten well. I thought I'd share a little something with you, just in case you ever wondered what school supply shopping might be like for 4 kids. So, here is the following:
52 - #2 pencils
8 - bottles of glue
21 - glue sticks
28 - spiral notebooks
37 - 2 pocket folders w/fasteners
4 - plastic 2 pocket folders
4 - pair of scissors
6 - 24 count crayon boxes
1 - 24 count colored pencils
2 - 12 count colored pencils
2 - 8 count washable markers (broad)
2 - 24 count washable markers (slim)
200 - notecards
4 - rulers
2 - scientific calculators (for advanced math TI-83)
8 - highlighters
2 - rolls of scotch tape
5 - packets of post-it notes
15 - floppy disks
2 - USB flashdrives (just in case the computers won't work with the floppies)
12 - pencil top erasers
3 - pink erasers
24 - blue pens
24 - black pens
12 - red pens
2 - compasses
2 - protractors
3 - pencil cases
3 - 2" binders
2 - 1/2" binders
5 - packets of loose-leaf paper (wide ruled)
2 - trapper keepers
1 - accordian folder
4 - backpacks
NOT SHOWN4 - pairs of shoes (to leave at school for gym class)
7 - boxes of kleenex
4 - packages of baby wipes
4 - bottles of hand sanitizer
8 - rolls of paper towels
3 - boxes of gallon size ziplock bags (girls)
1 - box quart size ziplock bags (boys)
And just think, by Thanksgiving they will be asking for more paper and pencils and pens. Who knew!!