Now, with that said, the only person that usually comments on this blog is Michelle, love you too; but I have to say this, if Ozzie Guillen was coaching, he would have made the change in the 3rd quarter last week. He wouldn't have waited. Why can't you change QB's in the middle of game like you can pitchers in baseball? AND, he wouldn't have waited until Wednesday to make the announcement, he would have made it Monday morning.
Okay, I'm done babbling on. I still love the Bears and have a lot of respect for anyone that goes out and gets their butt kicked on a daily basis and I really feel good about what is to come. So, with that said, I welcome any comments on the change. And only have one more thing to say.....
1 comment:
As much as I like Rex as a person, I think that a change is good. Unfortunately, he wasn't getting the job done! I know he has suffered through many injuries, and *should* be a great quarterback, but he's just not showing it! It will be interesting to see how things go this week. Although, I don't think that I will actually get to watch. (We have gotten the Bears games out here the past two weeks, since they played Dallas and KC, the two biggest markets around here!) I'm sure it's a huge story around there too. I just have to rely on Sports Center for the information that I do get, but sometimes that's better, because the media (local especially!) can take issues, such as a QB controversy, and talk it to death!!
With all of that said, I would like to see the Packers win the division this year!! Just kidding!!:):) Go Bears!
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