Well, everyone made it back happy and healthy. As soon as I get some picutres from Mom from Disney, I'll post those.
Christie and Will had a great time in Minnesota. When the girls returned, Ron and the girls headed up north to visit Grandma and Grandpa. Ron actually was daring enough to take Christie to a dirt road (there are a lot of those in Minnesota) and teach her how to drive. She did very well I am told.
So now we are back to the same routine at home and Papa (my dad) just got out of the hospital from having his second knee replacement. He was doing so well, that they released him from the hospital to go home after only 4 days. Man those doctors are fast.
Welcome back home kids!!! Glad you're feeling better Dad!!
Empty Nesters
I can honestly say that our home is WAY TOO QUITE. Courtney and Ashley are in Florida at Disney with Nana and Papa, and Christie and Will are in Minnesota with Grandma and Grandpa.
When I really sit and evaluate our house, I honestly don't know how we do it all the time. It is extremely quite at home and we miss the kids something aweful; however, we are enjoying it while we can since they will be back and it will be as loud as ever.

Lucky 7
7-7 is truly a lucky day!!
It was 7-7-87, I finally got my driver's license and was ready to celebrate. That is when my life changed. I stepped foot into a party at Ron's house, our eyes met and 20 years later - look at us now.
Who knew that 7-7-07 the luckiest day according to astronomers, Ron and I would be celebrating 20 years together?
I love you Icky!!!
ron and nancy
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