
Happy Birthdays!!!

First, Happy Birthday to my dear cousin Mike and Mrs. Bergman. We have the wonderful pleasure of celebrating our birthdays TOGETHER!!! What an awesome day.

My wonderful daughter CHRISTIE who turns 13 tomorrow. We almost shared birthdays, but no luck!!! Hope your day shines as brightly as you do.


Good Night!

My best friend closed her eyes last night,
As her head was in my hand.
The doctors said she was in pain,
And it was hard for her to stand.

The thoughts that scurried through my head,
As I cradled her in my arms;
Were of her younger puppy years,
And Oh…..her many charms.

Today, there was no gentle nudge
With an intense “I love you gaze”,
Only a heart that’s filled with tears
Remembering our joy filled days.

But an Angel just appeared to me,
And he said, “You should cry no more,
GOD also loves our canine friends,
He’s installed a ‘doggy-door’”!!

Good Night, Jillie!!


One comes down...Another goes up!!

The beloved shade tree in our neighbor's yard was brought down this weekend by over a 1/2 inch of ice. I never realized just how nice it was until it was in my yard.

So, even in the pouring, freezing rain, Ron and I helped clean up the mess. After all, it's free fire wood, and we found out that our new neighbor Michelle (not to be confused with "old neighbor" Michelle is expecting - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

And so with all of that work put aside, we decided to put up a tree after all the work of taking down the broken one. Our wonderful Christmas tree. All 12 feet of it. We had no choice but to put in on a table. New puppies force you to do things you don't necessarily want to do. But, we love it and are excited to have Christmas at our house this year to share it with everyone.